Digital marketing Specialist,  Intuitive coach and hypnotherapist

Holistically supporting executives, business owners and entrepreneurs.

Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy,

Content Marketing Strategy

Social Media Marketing Strategy

AI + Automation where appropriate

Holistic and strategic Business Coaching
and Personal Success Coaching

Because each situation and business is unique:

Key Areas are:

Relationships; Wealth/Finances; Health; Business/Work


Working in Mental Health Since 2017 and a qualified hypnotherapist since 2020 - The path to health and wellness, both physically and mentally is unique for each individual. However, there are common themes.

It doesn't have to take years or decades in therapy to heal and/or reinvent yourself. I've reinvented myself and shifted my mindset rapidly to be able to take on new projects and effectively start-over. If you're still searching for the right guidance to help you move through a transition phase or overcome trauma, lets have a chat, I'd love to help.

Intuitive Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Business Related area’s:
- these examples are based on the most common topics.

Transformational business and career related areas for success that Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and coaching, can help with:

  • Cognitive clarity
  • Clarity around life path & purpose
  • Confidence building
  • Overcoming Imposter syndrome
  • Overcoming Procrastination
  • Overcoming … <a chosen limiting belief>
  • Boosting Productivity
  • Enhancing Focus and Concentration
  • Improving Time Management (planning & organisation skills)
  • Increasing Creativity and Innovation
  • Developing an Authentic personal brand
  • Enhancing Communication Skills
  • Building Confidence in Public Speaking and Presentations
  • Reducing Work-Related Stress
  • Improving Decision-Making Abilities
  • Overcoming Fear of Failure or Success
  • Developing a Success Mindset
  • Enhancing Networking Skills
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Boosting Sales Performance
  • Confidence in Managing Workplace Conflict (candid conversations)
  • Improving Team Collaboration
  • Enhancing Negotiation Skills
  • Setting and Achieving Business Goals
  • Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset

These areas focus on personal development and professional growth, which are crucial for achieving business success.


When it comes to most issues that individuals want to address there is often underlying challenges that are either suppressed (conscious) or repressed (unconscious).

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) combines Hypnotherapy, NLP (neurolinguistic programming) & CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy), to address a variety of issues.

Asking the subconscious mind what the root cause is, can often give the conscious mind valuable information to help clients understand particular parts of themselves, and why they have held onto a specific limiting belief. Therefore, they have the choice to address it, release it or revisit it at another time.

Some of the most common challenges/conditions that come up for clients in RTT sessions are:

Some of the most common treatable areas are:

  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Weight Loss and Management
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Relationship Issues
  • Sleep Disorders (Insomnia)
  • Pain Management
  • Depression
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Addictions (Alcohol, Drugs)
  • Procrastination and Motivation
  • Sports Performance
  • Public Speaking
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief and Loss
  • IBS and Digestive Issues
  • Skin Conditions (e.g., eczema, psoriasis)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Childhood Trauma and PTSD
    – typically treatment consists of RTT in conjunction with EMDR & somatic work

… and many others


Rapid transformation therapy sessions can help you re-program your subconscious mind and can work with a range of effectiveness based on the individual and the challenge they want to overcome.

  • Immediate effect, such as no longer craving unhealthy foods, smoking, alcohol or other vices. A shift in focus. A shift in self-talk or self-criticism. Increased confidence to self-promote or take the exam and know you've got this!
  • Gradual effect, such as lessening tendency to procrastinate and growing confidence in more empowered decision making and action taking. Although it's not immediately noticeable, shifting small habits can dramatically change your trajectory over a relatively short time.
  • Unconscious effect, such as feeling no effect or difference for up to a month or longer – until realising one day that they’ve effortlessly lost 5+ kilos without thinking about it, and their favourite old jeans fit them again.

RTT is Combined with Coaching, to both provide ongoing support and allow space for the conscious mind to evolve beyond any limiting beliefs and help you to consciously create or design your exciting new exciting future.

Renee Chanelle _ Portrait

Hi, I'm Renee Chanelle & this is my way of making it easier to reach me ... because, this is the new normal ... and lets face it, 'resumes' are boring and noone reads them!

Our online profiles & corner of the internet is increasingly more important to stay relevant and connected.

Social Profiles are great, however, you don't and can't control the platform.

How i work ...

I adapt to what you're most focused on at the time ... and I work intuitively.

So there's no set program schedule, as everyone is at a different point in their journey, and there's no right or wrong way to navigate it.

I tune into whomever I'm working with, albeit personal or professional challenges...

If, for example, you have entrepreneurial tendencies, typically a separation of life & work is typically difficult. OR if you're somewhere on the neurodivergent spectrum, your experiences in the world will be different than someone who is neuro-typical.

Change is constant!

The career trajectory for 2024 and beyond is different than previous learning or education models. The need for increased adaptability and resilience is evident as the pace of technology speeds up.

I've chosen to create changes rather that be subjected to others deciding my fate. I tend to advocate for innovation and growth, but not everyone is wired this way.

I value authenticity and it's the way I work with clients.

I know from experience, that if individuals or organisations are not growing and evolving, they're in decline. Boredom and stagnancy leads to dysfunction, on many levels, Personally, professionally & certainly for organisations (also affecting the bottom-line).


This is not a resume! It's a way of connecting to the people who resonate.

However, if you're wanting a timeline that doesn't tell the whole story you can check my LinkedIn profile - Renee Chanelle or send me a quick message below.

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