Transform Your Content Strategy with AI: Tech Innovation and Authenticity

Hey there, fellow travellers on the path of self-empowerment, growth and self-discovery. Join me on a content strategy journey that merges the realms of innovation and authenticity within the captivating landscape of AI-powered content creation. Our expedition is fuelled by a burning curiosity to explore how this powerful tool can reshape our content strategies while…

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Social Media v’s website content

Why I choose to focus on building websites & website content over relying purely on social media. Why build a website? If you’re interested in what I know about IP (Intellectual Property) & Social media, here’s what I know, but this space constantly changes, so it’s up to you to stay informed & actually read…

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Tap Into Your Flow State And Boost Your Productivity

Can being “in the zone” more often turn our good-enough into above-average work? If you want to do more, learn more, and gain more, you might want to think like surfer…. or a racer Surfing is a 1,000-year-old sport, and 20 years ago the biggest wave ever ridden was 25 feet. Today surfers push into…

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10 Ways Entrepreneurs Turn Their Failures Into Motivation To Get Ahead

Brisbane, Australia

… and the inherent value of making mistakes … Written by Ayodeji Awosika No amount of experimentation can prove me right. One experiment can prove me wrong. — Albert Einstein There are no surefire ways to become successful, but there are definitely some “success killers” you should avoid at all costs. Use the process of inversion to get…

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Perspective is Everything

This Ted Talk from ‘Ad Man’ Rory Sutherland is both entertaining and thought provoking … but essentially it’s the foundation of psychology … when you change your perception, or perspective, you effectively change your reality. Therefore, the power to change the perspective of others, is indeed, the art of influencing! Being an Influencer This might…

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